A Conversation With an Indigenous Faith-leader

A Conversation With an Indigenous Faith-leader
From the Office of the Bishop, consider joining the Just Lutheran Livestream: with Vance Blackfox & Bishop Megan Rohrer, Monday, August 30th at 6:00pm PT
This conversation will be livestreamed via the Synod Facebook page, Bishop Megan Rohrer’s Facebook page, and both the Synod and the Bishop’s YouTube pages, and we encourage you to engage in the conversation by asking questions live via the chat box.
Here are our options to participate: the Facebook link is https://fb.me/e/iG62wlngl
What is Just Lutheran? Learn more here: https://www.justlutheran.com/
Vance Blackfox, a citizen of the Cherokee Nation, serves the churchwide organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) as the Desk Director for American Indian Alaska Native Tribal Nations. An alumn of Texas Lutheran University (TLU) and the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC), Vance has previously served the ELCA in multiple capacities, from taking a post as National President of the Lutheran Youth Organization during his TLU days, to later working as a diversity and cultural education professional for the Women of the ELCA, Augsburg Fortress Publishers, California Lutheran University, ELCA Youth Gathering, and LSTC’s Youth in Mission. In addition to serving numerous ELCA and ecumenical teams and committees throughout the years, he is at present the Indigenous Theologian and Coordinating Team Member for the ELCA’s Theological Round Table, as well as creator and producer of the Vine Deloria Jr. Theological Symposium hosted at LSTC.




